Kate at New Hope Uganda

Kate at New Hope Uganda

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Please Pray for this Precious Poppet!

Dissan is a baby under the care of Hope Family (our home for babies here at Kasana.) Since he came to stay with my good friends the Dendy`s who run Hope family, he has very quickly (in just 2 or 3 weeks,) won a special place in my heart.

I want to ask you to pray for him please as he has a very large lump growing on his neck which has been there since he was a month old. It is continuing to grow and we are monitoring him closely in case it begins to obstruct his airway (something to pray against.)

Stu has gone down with Malaria (please pray also for his quick and full recovery) so tomorrow Sarah and I will be taking Dissan back to Mulago hospital in Kampala to get the results of the biopsy that they did last week. Stu has already been back once to pick them (last Friday) but sadly, as is often the case, it was a wasted trip as the person who was meant to have written the lab report  had not and was nowhere to be seen.

Please pray that tomorrow we will get the correct results and that the Doctor will be able to diagnose what it is and how to best treat it......and that Sarah and I will have patience and grace for the day!

Whatever it is, we know that God is able to heal our precious boy and please pray with us that he will! Please also pray that Dissan`s Dad would continue to take interest in his son; sadly his Mum died when he was just a month old. Dad has other young children at home but has been helping to care for him this last week when he was in the hospital.

I must sign off here and give the boy his milk.......and then enjoy his gorgeous gurgles and smiles!

Thank you for your prayers.

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