Kate at New Hope Uganda

Kate at New Hope Uganda

Kakande`s Story

Kakande`s Story

Kakande is a man of approximately 38(ish) years with moderate / severe learning difficulties who now lives at Hassan`s House as part of David family, one of the 7 family groups at Kasana Children`s Centre. He is a very sociable chap and everybody knows him both within KCC and in the surrounding communities. He has been coming to Kasana for as long as anyone can remember and has lived in the area since he was born......he can even remember the war and will tell of how he had to hide from soldiers in the bush before he was taken to Luwero town to be kept safe (we assume?!)
When I (Kate) came to Uganda in 2009, Kakande was doing what he had always done.......coming into Kasana sporadically for food, medical care and whatever else anyone would give him. Roger, the nurse in the clinic was forever removing hundreds of jiggers (sand fleas that borrow into your skin and lay eggs inside which then hatch and dig their way out) from him, treating his wounds and helping him to bathe etc. People would often give him clothes, shoes or the odd 100 shillings which would never be seen again! Unfortunately, when Kakande went back to the village where he was living with his brother in law (who is a witch doctor) or to his step-mother`s house (she brews alcohol illegally,) his clothes would get taken, he`d be given too much alcohol to drink and he would generally get taken advantage of. When I moved into David family with Hassan, I took over some of the responsibility as Roger was so busy... Kakande would often come in having been beaten or burnt in all sorts of horrible ways and places. The children in David family were very loving towards him and would help to remove jiggers and help him to bathe. Kakande began to feel like part of a family and started to come in more frequently. However, when I returned to England for a couple of months in the summer of 2010, Kakande stopped coming in until one day he was dropped off at our clinic in a very bad state needing treatment. Thankfully Roger was able to treat him and he again began to come in daily. However, soon after I returned he needed to be admitted to hospital as he had so many jiggers and many very infected wounds; he could barely walk as his leg was so swollen.

One of the David Family girls removing Jiggers from Kakande`s Feet.
At this point, I started to think that something further needed to be done for Kakande. It felt wrong to keep sending him back to the village where we knew he would be abused and neglected. It also seemed pointless to keep treating him for things only to send him back to be re-infected. People had tried in the past to talk to his relatives to see if we could work together to support him being at home but they were not interested. So, having spoken to Roger, Uncle Mulu (David family father) and others, I wrote a proposal to the management team about finding Kakande a place to stay within David Family. After many discussions, it was decided that a room would be built on the end of Hassan`s House to accommodate him and that Hassan`s staff would assist him with his personal care, ensure he ate a healthy diet and generally be responsible for his welfare. As the room was not able to be built until April 2011 Kakande initially moved into a spare room in the clinic building and then for a short while into the second bedroom at Hassan`s house.
By May 2011, Kakande was settled happily into his house and very proud of his own ‘property!’ He continues to be a very well loved member of David family and of the Kasana community as a whole.
Kakande`s Room (an extension on Hassan`s House.)
Many people have noticed a dramatic change in Kakande since he has been welcomed into our family. He used to be abusive and always focused on himself and what he could get out of people......although he continues to have a cheeky habit of asking for money, he now understands and is willing to work for it. He has also grown to be quite a compassionate and loving friend or brother both to the children and staff at Kasana. He can often be seen trying to comfort Hassan or Carol when they are upset and when I am sick, he will often take the initiative to go to the clinic and demand that the nurses give him some medicine for Auntie Kate!
Kakande with Najib who he 'helps' in class!
Kakande is evidence of just how amazing our Father God is and of the way his love can gradually transform a person`s heart! As Kakande has been welcomed, loved and accepted by people at KCC he has learnt to love others. Kakande has also learnt at Kasana that God has a purpose for his life and has given him gifts that he can use to bless others. Whilst previously he felt useless and purposeless, now Kakande has found that he is able to do alot; to collect water, deliver messages, help collect firewood, push children around in their wheelchairs etc etc. Kakande LOVES helping with jobs. He LOVES feeling useful! Unfortunately, he can sometimes be too eager.........many a time he has come to my house at 6am on a saturday morning, knocking on the door because he wants my jerry cans to fill with water!