Kate at New Hope Uganda

Kate at New Hope Uganda

Friday 14 December 2012

Christmas is coming

School here came to a close at the end of November but Special Needs Staff have been BUSY BUSY BUSY with Christmas preparations, our community party, trips to rehabilitation centres and hospitals as well as visiting some of our children in their homes.
Allen with her new keyboard. 

Matovu with his new leg calipers.

The Community party was a great success and the children and their carers/parents enjoyed a time of praise/worship and giving testimonies of how God had been at work in their lives. Uncle George (one of our staff here and an elder in our church) came to speak to and encourage the parents in caring for their children.
We then all enjoyed a great feast of matooke (savoury bananas), beef, ground nut sauce, rice etc. and sodas.

Enjoying the party food!

Allen downing the sodas.

Ready to serve the food!

Our precious Carol (and Auntie Kate) arrived just in time for this great meal having been discharged from Kiwoko hospital following Carol`s surgery to place a gastrostomy (feeding tube.) We are so thankful for all your prayers and for God`s faithfulness. Carol was fit for surgery and Dr Peter, Dr Steve from the UK and his fiancĂ© (an anaesthetist) were able to place the tube using an endoscope so they didn`t even have to cut her (apart from making a tiny hole!) She obviously found it a bit sore at first but was ready to come home the next day and make an appearance at the party! 

Sharon welcoming Carol back from hospital.

The feast was followed by the presentation of gift bags for every child which were handed out by Kakande who took on the Father Christmas role. Unfortunately we didn`t have a Santa suit to dress on him but that wouldn`t really have been understood here anyhow. The gifts bags and their fillings were donated mainly by the small team that came from Harvest church last month to whom we are all very grateful!

In the days that followed the party Christine, Kakande and I went delivering gifts to the children who were not able to come......we were rewarded with some very happy smiles!

Hopefully I will get into town once more before Christmas to update this again but if not then I wish you all a very very happy Christmas and a wonderful 2013 :)
Will leave you with a pic of some of Hope Family and Special Needs enjoying time in the pool.....hope you like Jonnie`s green pants!

1 comment:

  1. Kate, this is pat Merrell - I am Kristi Burch's Mother. We had a very sad tragedy today in the US - another horrible school shooting. Kristi posted a reference to your blog on Facebook to give us all something to celebrate - many of us are trying not to watch the news and concentrate on prayer and the good things of God. Your precious service to these wonderful children is so nice to read about and to see the pictures of your Christmas festivities.
    God bless you and be with you, may you receive a special joy in your work and your friends there this Christmas.

    Thank you so much for serving.
